Green Ghana was launched by the President Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo-Addo in 2021 June 11 and ASDA has celebrated it accordingly and today marks the third year celebration. The program has 2 strategies; one is to plant trees at degraded places, two is to plant trees at our surroundings like homes, backyards, schools etc. Benefits attained from this exercise include having fresh air, inculcating the habit of planting trees and caring for them.

The theme for this year’s Green Ghana Day was on the theme “Our Forest, Our health”.

Mr. Joseph Odame, Head of Agric Department applauded the school for having a school garden, an initiative by the school. And promised his department will support the school with free seeds and technical advice for next year. He also said there would be school garden competition beginning next year and hopes SS Peter and Paul Anglican School, will emerge the first in the exercise to come. He encouraged the teachers to organize Agric Clubs for the students. DCE also added his voice to it, by encouraging the students to inculcate planting of trees and caring for them as we get lot of benefits from trees. The students cited these benefits from trees; shelter, fresh air, medicines, wind break, upon DCE asking them of the benefits. He also commented on the school garden completion and added that Mr. Odame should consider it to be part of Farmers Day celebration for next year, so that next the winner can be awarded during the Farmers Day celebration.

He also added that weeding should not be seen as punishment and inform the teachers to desist from such act. Because now farming is one of the avenues to prosper. It is no more a work for the poor but us all. He also presented to the school 2 watering cans, 1 Knapsack Sprayer, 12L of liquid fertilizer, 6Ls of insecticides, 1 Avocado plant from his personal farm and sweets to the school as motivation to the school. The Avocado plant was dedicated to one of the students called Joseph to care for the plant.

Hon. Joseph Aidoo (The Head Master of the school) express their gratitude to the assembly for celebrating this year’s Green Ghana Day celebration and also the items presented to them. He assured the assembly to use the items and take good care of them.

The DCE was then directed by Mr. Odame including all present to now perform the main activity which is the planting of trees and dedicating each plant to a student. The DCE was first to do the planting, followed by the Coordinating Director, HOD Agric and all who were present. The program was officially brought to an end after the planting of the trees. However, the Agric unit continued to other schools to also plant some of the trees for them.

In attendance: DCE, Coordinating Director, Head of NADMO, Head of Agric Department, Rep from Education Department, Staffs of ASDA, Head Master, Staffs and Pupils of SS Peter and Paul Anglican School